This is the talk page for discussing the Main.GitCommit article.
<?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit(); // VERSION INFO $RecipeInfo['GitCommit']['Version'] = '2017-11-09'; // For (:if enabled GitCommit:) global $GitCommit; $GitCommit = 1; # add "?action=git-commit" SDV($HandleActions['git-commit'], 'HandleGitCommit'); SDV($HandleAuth['git-commit'], 'admin'); function HandleGitCommit($pagename, $auth) { $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename,$auth,true,READPAGE_CURRENT); if(!$page) exit(); $message = "manual backup"; ## Commented for now, because if we don't cd, and just run in the default ## dir, that'll automatically go up the tree to the root of the current ## wiki, which is what we want anyway. # $repo_dir = ""; ob_start(); # echo `cd /home/public/{$repo_dir} 2>&1`; # echo "{$repo_dir}\n"; echo `pwd 2>&1`; echo `date 2>&1`; echo `git add . 2>&1`; echo `git commit -uno -m '{$message}' 2>&1`; echo `git update-server-info 2>&1`; $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); global $MessagesFmt; $MessagesFmt[] = "<div class='wikimessage'>\n"; $MessagesFmt[] = "<h3 style='margin-bottom: 0.5em; '>Output:</h3>\n"; $MessagesFmt[] = "<pre>{$out}</pre>\n"; $MessagesFmt[] = "</div>\n"; HandleBrowse($pagename, $auth); }