The Civilization platform is not meant to just host FortForecast. In principle it should be able to host many different kinds of organization. This page is about how the FortForecast-specific bits of software and policy should work.
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Open Question: Needs of FortForecast contributors?
In Shah's study (archived) of open source contributors it is stated that almost all initial contribution arises from need. This raises a handful of important questions:
- What are the needs of anticipated contributors to FortForecast?
- What kind of needs can we expect to satisfy (and thus provide the desire for more) in people that will bring new contributors in to FortForecast?
- What are we expecting to do with the organization, period?
Project Proposals
The following are ideas for what participants in FortForecast could work on once the basics of the software are finished.
- Find out how we can structure appeals to get people to donate to effective charities, rather than ineffective ones. (See: EA Proposal)
- Create a task force to figure out how to create a machine/organization/etc that popularizes scientific findings better than mainstream news outlets do.
- Write software to replace LimeSurvey which emulates the platform at . (See: Replace LimeSurvey)